Saturday 4 February 2012


I have no men’s programmes planned at present. Men who want to improve can complete the Home Study Course but they should read the free chapters which are available to download on my site. Men who buy the books without doing this and consequentially have a tantrum will not get a refund.

However when I did run them I forbade them to say anything personal about themselves. The reason for that is because every abusive man believes his partner is causing him to abuse her. They honestly DO believe this. So they arrived on my courses expecting me to help them cope with this horrible woman who forced them to be violent.
Be warned that some programmes encourage men to talk about themselves. This means they can wind themselves and each other up! On my programmes they were ONLY allowed to talk about the Dominator.
If a man is in a relationship I used to insist that his partner was in the room so she could see if he was changing or not.
I always refuse to write reports for courts and social services. I take the view that only his partner can judge whether the course has worked. IF SHE has done the Freedom Programme she can see if he has stopped using abusive behaviour.