Sunday 26 July 2015

Feedback from SOCIAL WORKERS who use Freedom Programme ONLINE

The online programme costs £10.00 to purchase from my web site. Purchasers can use it 
as often as they need it. We are constantly adding new animations to make it more helpful to users with learning difficulties. 

Click here to see more infomation about the 

SW Kelly
'i have been working through the 'FP on line' with a mum who has a 4 year old daughter on a Child Protection plan. Mum has been having casual relationships with risky adults and placed her 4 year old at risk of sexual abuse. Working through the online has enabled mother to understand how she has been vulnerable to abusive men, has ended all her relationships ... and is now able to safeguard and protect her daughter appropriately'. 

Siobhan SW
"working through the FP on line with a mother subjected to severe DV has resulted in her leaving her partner, protecting her five children .... preventing them from being taken into care'.

Mel SW
' I have been working with the FP online with a mother of 7 children (3-17years). Mother has been in repeated DV relationships. Working through the online slowly has shown mum how she has been subjected to abuse and sexual violence - and she is finally 'getting it' ..... that she has a choice?  She has now made her partner leave - and the children are much happier and healthier .... and the case has been de-escalated from Child Protection to Child in Need.

Sue SW
I have been working with a mother with the FP Online. The aspect of the Bully has really resonated with her and she has gained a great understanding and awareness of how she has been subjecting her children to violent and abusive men. She is now living alone with her children and the results are remarkable - we will soon be closing the case.

Martha SW
Working through the Sexual Controller with the FP Online with a mother who is a sex worker, has completely opened her eyes to how from an early age she has been groomed into believing she had no choice, other than to be controlled and dominated by men. Slowly she is awakening to the fact that she has a choice and is now working towards getting her children back!"

Caroline SW
I visit my individual families weekly and work through the FP online programme using an aspect of the Dominator week after week. It has amazing impact. The mothers I work with are now getting so much clarity on recognising the signs of abusive and violent relationships .... and are making more informed decisions about their relationships, which is preventing the department seeking legal planning? 

Feedback from women who have completed the course

'Only half way through and I already know it will be life changing'
'Until I did this course I had not realised how he had affected the children!'