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Sunday, 25 September 2011

Freedom Programme Leaflet from Cardiff Women's Aid

Cardiff Women's Aid have created this wonderful leaflet to advertise their Freedom Programme. This is the best I have ever seen. Well done all of you!

Friday, 23 September 2011

Half day training on the Effects of Domestic Abuse on Children

Dear Colleagues

Many of you have told me how helpful and informative you found this event. However, this play is in danger of extinction. It is very expensive to retain, pay and rehearse these wonderful young actors. Unless more organisations book this event my colleagues will be unable to continue to provide it. So if you are thinking about commissioning this you need to act quickly.

Half day training on the Effects of Domestic Abuse on Children

Agencies can commission my marvellous associates Certain Curtain Theatre Company to provide the play ‘Mockingbird High’ followed by their after show discussion. This is an excellent half day training event which can reach a couple of hundred people. Here are their contact details:
Claire Moore

Certain Curtain Theatre Company - Est 1989
21 years of Originality from the Page to the Stage.

Unit 128, Oyston Mill
Strand  Road, Preston. PR1 8UR

01772 731024
07753 487984

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Coming Soon. Freedom Programme ONLINE

Coming Soon. Freedom Programme ONLINE

(SPAN) Single Parent Action Network will be providing this.

SPAN is a nationwide network of one parent families and organisations representing diverse backgrounds and cultures. Onespace hosts the other Official Freedom Programme chat room
Tel: 0117 951 4231

Friday, 9 September 2011

Two more reviews

Thank you Tracy

Brilliant resource to use with the living with the dominator or on its own to help explain and explore the tactics used by those who use power and control to abuse others.
The home study Freedom Programme is also great for those who can not attend a programme or who just want to find out more about domestic abuse.
Thank you Clare

I am a great fan of the Freedom Programme & it's a tool I have used with success for many years; via direct delivery of a Freedom Programme support group, or training professionals, or used in supervision of case workers case loads.
The new addition of the Freedom Programme Home Study Course workbook is a fantastically accessible compliment to the traditional Freedom Programme format; be that groups &/or from having read `Living With The Dominator'. The Home Study Course workbook takes the reader through the familiar format of the group delivery, with the inclusion of the quiz, tactics, beliefs, affects & positive behaviour choices. For each section there is space for the reader to write their answer, thoughts & views, enabling everything the reader has learnt to be kept safely in one workbook, for future reference and reviews.
It has the flexibility to reach more victims/survivors, perpetrators & practitioners, to learn and understand the dynamics and long reaching impacts of domestic abuse, on the family unit, whether separated or still together, whether historical or current. The Home Study Course is appropriate for individuals to work through alone, or to reinforce the learning's of group attendance, enabling accelerated understanding.
For professionals this is a fantastic tool that can be used as a framework for their case work sessions with individuals or families. In my experience as a case worker & as a manager of case workers my knowledge is clear that as soon as work can begin to acknowledge and address the issues & impacts of domestic abuse be that with the victim/survivors (adults or children & young people) or perpetrators (adults or children & young people), the sooner the families or individuals are able to progressively gain control of their own lives in a positive way, or indeed, continue to live their lives. With the use of the Home Study Course the positive outcomes are more long term & sustainable.
I don't have any negative comments to offer on the use of this tool, the only adaptation I would request is if this workbook could also be made available in different size & type of font or if there would be potential to safely translate into other languages?

Saturday, 3 September 2011

At last! Our first Amazon review for the Home Study Course from Cherylb
Thank you Cherylb

This book used alongside Living with the dominator builds into a unique personal record for the user. It brings the Freedom Programme to life and is set out into easy to understand sections. Women who have used it say that it has been invaluable to them in helping them to understand the programme. They said it was excellent to be able to read back over the weeks they have completed. Once women have worked through this book with a facilitator they often feel much more confident to attend a group. Well done Pat another excellent tool in the battle against domestic abuse.