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Thursday 8 November 2012

WAVE Centre training

Freedom Program Training for Professional's


This two hour training session gives professionals an overview of the Freedom Programme and qualifies practitioners to work through the home study course on a one to one basis with clients.


Course Costs £45 per person

Attendees will receive a copy of the Living with the Dominator book and a copy of the Freedom Program Home Study Course.

The course is for:

·                     Anyone who comes into contact with victims of abuse

·                     Professionals who are making referrals to the Freedom Program and want to understand what the programme entails.

·                     Support workers wanting to use the home study course on a one to one with clients.

·                     Professionals keen to understand the dynamics of domestic abuse and how that impacts on children

What is the Freedom Programme?

The Freedom Programme is a 12 week support group for women. It operates as a rolling programme which means referrals can be made at any point. The benefits are the same as long as clients complete 12 weeks.

Who is it for?

The Freedom Programme is open to any woman who wishes to learn more about the reality of domestic abuse, whether she is in or has left an abusive relationship, including women who have no plan to leave their partner.

What are its aims?

·         To help women to understand the beliefs held by abusive men and in so doing, recognise which of these beliefs they have shared.

·         To show the effects of domestic abuse on children

·         To help women to recognise potential future abusers

·         To help women to regain self esteem and the confidence to improve the quality of their lives

·         To introduce women to community resources and support groups

Where is it?

The Freedom Programme is run from several venues across Wigan and Leigh. All courses are open to women from any area. All programmes are free.

How do I make a referral

Contact WAVE 01942 262290

Sunday 4 November 2012

Freedom Programme Training Opportunity

Training opportunity
Dear Colleagues
I am inviting all trained facilitators to PROVIDE short training events to professionals.
1. Introduction to the Home Study Course.
The training consists of the first session of the Freedom Programme.
The trainers can charge £45.00 per place. The price includes a copy of ‘Living with the Dominator’ and ‘The Freedom Programme Home Study Course’. The trainers can buy 50 or more of these publications from me for £5.00 per copy plus p&p. The trainers can then inform their trainees that they too can buy these publications either from Amazon or in large quantities directly from me.
2.The Effects of Domestic Abuse on Children.
This training consists of the session which deals with the effects of abuse on children. The price can also be £45.00 per place. This training includes the book‘Freedom’s Flowers’ which are provided in the same terms as the Introduction training.
I will advertise all facilitators who provide this service in the ‘Facilitators for hire’ section on my web site. This offer is only available to facilitators who have been trained by me.

Friday 2 November 2012

Parenting Programme

Since being made redundant from my post as the Parenting Worker at Survive, an organisation in South Gloucestershire which supports women and children through domestic violence and abuse, I have been developing my own parenting programme to suit the specific needs of traumatised women who are often faced with the daunting task of parenting traumatised children. Experience and research has taught me that using a traditional parenting approach based on rewards and conseqences is not a good match for those affected by trauma and complex attachment.

The main reasons why I do what I do!

1. Post abuse, traumatised families do not need a power & control based parenting approach

2. We need to parent differently to get different outcomes for children and parents

3. We need an approach to raising children which breaks the cycle of violence & victims

4. We need parenting which builds empathy & reduces the effects of trauma
5. Parents deserve to enjoy parenting their children
When I was at Survive, I used to attend the Freedom Programme sessions on the effects on children and it has often been suggested that my parenting programme would be a good follow on from you excellent programme as understanding and parenting complex and often challenging behaviour is often a major concern for women once they are out of the abusive relationship.
Jane Evans
Specialist Parenting and Behaviour Skills Consultant

Mobile: 07946318404
Landline: 01249 721104

Twitter: @janeparenting