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Tuesday, 16 October 2012

The first review has been posted on Amazon already!

Another amazing and powerful book from Pat Craven, creator of the FREEDOM PROGRAMME.
FREEDOM'S FLOWERS is an account of the effects of domestic abuse on children -
with children, young people and adults telling their own powerful and disturbing stories of 'living with domestic abuse and violence' as children!
The book will unsettle and disturb you ... it will make your stomach churn ... it will tug at your heartstrings .. and it will make you cry ...
because it is an honest and realistic account of how a minimum 0f 750,000 children in the UK alone - every year - suffer physical, psychological, sexual and emotional abuse at the hands of the significant males in their mother's lives.
I am a social work and psychology professional of 25 years standing, and I am desperate that every social work and health professional reads this book ... I believe the information and knowledge within its pages could prevent another 'Baby 'P' in the future - I plead with you to read it as soon as possible!!