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Thursday, 28 November 2013

Feedback from Facilitator Training in 2013

Bedfordshire 27.03.13

I attended the Freedom  Training held in March 2013 by Pat Craven and over the 2 days a detailed overview was given of the different types of dominator.
The tasks and exercies over the 2 days that we took part in enabaled me to have a much clearer understanding of the impact of an abusive relationship on women, mothers and children, the reasons women can become powerless to leave an abusive relationship and how the Freedom Programme can support them in gaining an understanding and insight into abusive behaviour  and that they are not to blame.
The supportive way in which the subjects covered were discussed with Pat Craven and Ginny Redbond the facilitators and others attending the course,  enabled me to gain a greater understanding of the domestic abuse in preparation for supporting the delivery of the Freedom Programme at a later date.

Birmingham 16.05.13

‘Just to say wonderful training, laughter, tears, emotion.
Would recommend it to anyone working in domestic abuse.
Such a great insight :-) 

‘The FP is truly inspirational, dynamic with bags of laughs to be had along what at times - is a painful road of discovery .??’

‘Pat Craven delivers this fantastic programme with great expertise, knowledge and drama.....which at times is hilarious – but always focused and targeted around the real issues and often harsh reality of domestic abuse.
 An absolute must for workers in any field of social care,
 Thanks Pat, for a great training day, all the best for the future and that many more Freedom Fighters pass through your doors.’

London 07.06.13
“I originally completed my training with Pat a few years ago and I returned to London to update my training in the summer.  It was wonderful to undertake this training again, so informative and inspiring!  The knowledge and experience I was able to tap into in the room over those few days was incredible.  I had a member of my team with me for her first experience of training for the Freedom Programme and she came away as motivated and uplifted about what we could offer with this training as I was.
Although the training, is at times, emotional and hard hitting, it has to be! it is the reality of many woman’s lives.  I honestly believe this training is one of the best insights into being able to offer ‘real’ support for survivors that can possibly be done.  I have seen first-hand the impact that this programme has had and it NEVER ceases to amaze me when you see the ladies start to take back control of their lives!  I truly think (and often tell anyone that will listen) that all practitioners, in whatever field they work, should have to do this training as mandatory, as without it they will continue to have a huge gap of knowledge and insight to the effects of Domestic Abuse.   I manage 7 Children’s Centre and am planning for all my staff to do this training as this is a subject which should be discussed and hidden no longer.”

Luton 31.07.13
"The Freedom Programme Facilitator Training I attended in 2013 was inspiring and empowering.  As someone who uses music to raise awareness and understanding about domestic abuse, it has given me the confidence to continue doing so - only LOUDER!’

Derby 26.07.13
‘I found the training at Derby an intense few days, but at the same time extremely interesting and enjoyable. It was also a fantastic opportunity to reflect on my own belief systems and share best practice with other professionals.’

Newcastle 25.09.13
‘The training, although a difficult topic that made you analyse your own life and relationships, also had some parts that made you laugh until your sides ached.  A great opportunity to meet new people, and go on to deliver the programme and pass on the information for other women.’

A male trainee says:
‘I learnt loads about domestic violence during the preparation  for and delivery of this very informative, practical and well run course. Pat’s compelling, plain speaking and to the point style kept me listening and involved throughout the thought provoking and interactive sessions. I was able to relate the course material to real life  work situations and feel much more confident that this will help me in my job.’

‘I really enjoyed the training, it was a good opportunity to get the perspectives of a wide range of professionals both with and without previous experience.  A lot of what we talked about clarified  the reluctance of some of the women we work with leaving their abusive partners and how hard this really is in reality.’

Birmingham 02.09.13
Male trainee
‘I think the following three words  encapsulates it all enlightening, informative and inspirational!
I'm currently doing some individual sessions at the moment with both survivors and perpetrators with some promising outcomes.’ 

London. 28.10.13
Plymouth City Council Youth Service is committed to enabling young people to explore and understand the impact of unhealthy relationships on their lives. The Freedom Programme has given us an insight into the key issues around domestic abuse as well as providing us with resources to begin to develop this area of work. Our recent Workforce Development Event gave us the opportunity to share our Learning from the Freedom Programme training, with our workforce. The sessions were very successful with positive feedback from those taking part. Whilst we may not be delivering the full Freedom Programme we are taking the learning and using it to educate others. Most importantly, its about giving the workforce the confidence to engage in those difficult conversations with young people and to support them effectively.