The Freedom Programme and WAVE DV Centre have now joined forces to form a new charity: 'The Freedom Programme Charitable Trust'
The Charity provides the following services
Freedom Programmes for Women
These free programmes are available across the Wigan area. They are run by volunteers
who are trained Freedom Programme Facilitators and led by Christine Ashton the former project leader from WAVE DV Centre now IDACNW. These courses are provided free as a public service.
01942 262 270 and practical information and signpost callers to Freedom Programmes in their area.
Our volunteers are there to help in the Family Court.
Freedom Programme for Men
who want to become better partners and fathers.
We provide these free courses as a public service. More information on
These services are funded by charitable donations and from Freedom Programme Ltd who are a private training and publishing company.
Freedom Programme for Men
who want to become better partners and fathers.
We provide these free courses as a public service. More information on